We are going to provicials

Our Hockey team the Arborg U13 Made it to provincials and we will be Traveling to Killarney on March 11 and staying there until the 13. Our team beat Lundar to go to provincials we wiped them 2-0 to make it to provincials.

We Have already made it to provincials so now what we want to win it the Two banners that we can win the Reginal and the North division banner and they would get hung up in the Arborg arena. If we go to provincials and win gold we bring back a banner that says we won it and that would be 1 out of very few that would be hanging up in the Arborg arena. Although the bantam have lost to go to provincials 2-1 we still made it.

This weekend I have three hockey games one Today and then one Saturday and Monday. My first game this weekend will be against stonewall u13, and my two other ones will be fairford, and Gimli u15. I have been playing on both u13 and u15 teams recently this year so I have had my busiest year of hockey this year.

I have lost a couple of games with the u15 team and I have only have 1 loss in the u13 team cause we gave up and didn’t try are hardest while versing Lundar in Lundar at the start of the year this year.


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