Riding dirtbikes with my friends

Hi I am going to tell you about riding dirt bikes with me and my friends

At the start me, my brother, and talon used to be the only ones to go riding together. We would drive all along the back roads behind my house we would drive about over ten miles on back  roads behind my house. We sometimes drove on the back roads to talons and drove around geysir. Then Bennett got a dirt bike and we started driving around town going to the gas bar, riding by john deer, at the big hill by patterson, and  going through the diches around town. Sometimes we would drive on different roads behind my house to see where it would take us.

Then we would go to a creek over and over again for like a week we would go there and catch minnows with our hands or a net. We would also go fishing there sometimes we didn’t catch anything. The first time Bennett wiped out was in front of Madi’s house on the other side of the road his tire got caught on a rut and his bike went out of control and he fell over. One day Lyndon came over and we got together with talon and Bennett and we started driving around town going through the ditches. We came back to my house and we started driving around the house and then we raced around the house for a while then talon, Bennett, and Lyndon went home.

My longest Ride was with Me, Talon, Bennett, and Dainen. We drove from My house to Hnausa we took fields, different paths, backroads. We got  to Hnausa and started driving on the beach and me and bennett almost flooded our engines  going around the rock piles through the water on the beach. Then we drove home through the ditches on the  highway.